Aug 3Liked by Meredith Hinds

Lovely column Meredith. I know the focus was on detail orientation, but I loved the side conversation about how some combinations of words work together while others don't. E.B. White illustrates this in The Elements of Style with Thomas Paine's famous phrase, "These are the times that try men's souls". Hope you're doing well!

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We love E.B. White around here :) I'll have to look for that passage--Dad has the book. All is well, we are very grateful!

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“Am I a husband?”

I love this! I do consider myself detail oriented, but with so many kids under a certain age a lot of things have to be let go. Sometimes it is the shower and sometimes it is the cleaning. I think letting things go is the key to sanity!

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Yes, amen. I would say I've been living with that philosophy the whole time, but the fifth baby really did a number on me 🙃 -- I have let go of things I had no idea I could let go of. Did you find a particular "craziness threshold," or is it just another iteration with each kid?

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I found that after 3 kids it didn’t get harder it just meant more people and more stuff (more food, laundry, special gear…)

I remember my husband after our fifth saying that he’d be okay parking at 5 for a while….enter our method failure baby and now we are six! But it is great. We’ve been parked at 6 for a couple years and it’s been a good break. I love it, but the chaos is real!

It feels like a “children are for my holiness, not just my happiness” situation a lot. They are constantly adding joy to our lives, but also sanctifying me little by little when I submit to humbling myself to not being in control.

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Yea, I think 4 was the peak of hard, because with 5 some of them have become helpful (they cleaned both bathrooms today 🤯— I realized that was a possibility and it was amazing). But I do find myself more overwhelmed by the emotional needs, and just the constancy of being needed by someone all the time.

So I’m relieved to hear that someone else had a gap after six 😂. I would love to catch my breath and feel slightly more capable of enjoying my kids.

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Check out the Mira monitor…big fans over here! I think NFP is wonderful, but Mira has given me the data I need to make prudent decisions. Babies are lovely, but a little space is nice. I hope to enjoy baby number 7 because the toddler is 3-4 instead of 1-1.5.

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Aug 3Liked by Meredith Hinds

Aw I love this 🖤❤️

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Thank you ❤️❤️

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Aug 3Liked by Meredith Hinds

Yep…. Twins. ;)

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I knew you'd get it lol

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